Sunday, January 25, 2009

Receive New Life

From Searching to Sharing Acts 16:13-15
What is the most exciting thing you have done or experienced? Did you share your excitement with others?

Paul and Silas were sharing with others the most wonderful thing ever, Jesus. Following God’s plan for them they came across Lydia. Lydia worshiped God but did not have a relationship with God. What’s the difference between worshiping God and having a relationship with God? Are there Lydia’s today?

Notice the immediate response of Lydia when God opens her heart to a personal relationship with Him. She goes and tells her family and friends her exciting news. When we are available and obedient to share our exciting news about Jesus we may not always see a Lydia response in the other person, but we have been obedient to share the exciting news so that others may hear.

On a piece of paper, draw a circle and around that circle draw 5 more circles. Draw a line between the middle circle and the 5 around it. Below each outer circle write a place you come in contact with other people (work, school, sports, etc.) Write the name of one person you come in contact with at each place inside the circle. Write your name in the middle circle. How can your life influence theirs? What changes can you make to share your excitement for Jesus with them?

Are you excited about Jesus or are you worshiping God? If your excitement has changed to just being comfortable – how do you get that excitement back that makes you want to call, email, test, and tell everyone about Jesus?

From Spiritual Bondage to Spiritual Freedom Acts 16:16-18
At first glance one might wonder why the slave girl’s proclamations were aggravating Paul so much. In this setting the proclamations of the girl would quite possibly have stirred up confusion in the gentiles Paul & Silas were witnessing to. Paul’s concern for the Gentiles stirred him to action. Notice that when Paul commanded the spirit to come out of the girl in the name of Jesus, the spirit had to obey immediately. What assurance does that give us?

From Destructive Fear to Joyful Faith Acts 16:25-34
Paul & Silas were toast. Beaten, chained, imprisoned. Yet they were praying and singing hymns to God. What is your response when placed in a bad situation? Do you pray and sing hymns to God?

God creates a situation for Paul & Silas to witness to the guard. Because of the guards excitement on being saved he shares his gift with his entire household. Do we allow God to work through us to reach our family? What can you do this week to share God with your family?

Write down the blessings God has given you. Write down the miracles you have witnessed. Write down the miracles others have shared with you. When you recall these things along with the Word your focus is on God and then you can sing hymns to God in bleak times and quite possibly be a witness to someone.

Challenge: Review your circles of influence. Renew your excitement for Jesus. Be available and obedient to share Jesus with those around you. Write your joy on your heart so that in bleak times you can pray and sing.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Show Fresh Respect

Recognize Life is a Gift Genesis 4:12

Even thought Adam and Eve sinned God still allowed them to fulfill their purpose and He was still a part of every day. This serves as a reminder for us that even though we sin God still allows us to fulfill our purpose and He is still intimately involved in every day.

These verses tell us that Cain and Abel grew up to do different jobs. Cain worked the ground and Abel the sheep. What jobs do we have represented here this morning? Does God favor one job over another? Is a doctor better than a trash collector?

Beware of Self-Centeredness Genesis 4:3-8

I read several ideas on why God favored Abel’s offering and not Cain’s. Some where quite interesting. Why do you think God accepted Abel’s offering and not Cain’s? What does that say to you about your offerings to God? (Cain’s relationship was not right with God.)

When our relationship is not right with God, who do we tend to focus on? (Self) When we a focused on ourselves, how does it affect our relationships with others? Through Cain and Abel we see a very dramatic result of the affect of self-centeredness, murder. Food for thought: What has your self-centeredness cost?

Notice in verse 7 that God reminds Cain that if he does right he will be accepted. He then warns Cain that sin is waiting and desires him and then includes a but, but sin must be mastered. This but changes the entire picture. With this we move from hopeless slave to sin to a master of sin when we allow God to live in and through us.

Accept Accountability for One Another Genesis 4:9-12

God gave Cain the opportunity to confess what he had done and seek forgiveness. Just as his father had done, Cain instead looked for a way to make his actions the responsibility of someone else. I can’t begin to tell you the number of times one of my boys has responded that he hit his brother but it was his brothers fault because he was calling him names. How often do we justify the wrong things we do by saying to ourselves and God that the person had it coming because _________ (fill in the blank)? Blaming others for our actions is yet another symptom of self-centeredness.

These verses show us the number of times God encourages Cain to change his heart and attitude. It also reminds us that when we refuse to redirect our focus to God from self, there will be judgment for our rebellion.

Turn to the Lord Genesis 4:13-16, 25-26

In verses 13-16 Cain continues to be self-absorbed. He never shows remorse for murdering his brother and instead complains about his punishment. Even through Cain’s continued whining and self-absorption God show mercy. God reassures Cain that he will not be murdered and marks Cain as a safeguard against harm. After all that God has done for Cain, he still chooses to leave God’s presence for good instead of seeking repentance. Notice Cain complained about his punishment but never once asked God how can I make things right.

God did not end the story of Adam and Eve but instead blessed them with another child so that they could fulfill their purpose. Notice that with the birth of their grandson the people began to call on the name of the Lord.

The recurring theme of this story, for me, was the fact that even when we sin, even when we are self-absorbed, God’s desire is to restore us first and foremost. The warning for us in this story is to check our focus.

Challenge: This week focus on seeing others through God’s eyes instead of our own. As we do so, pay attention to the changes that occur in our hearts and in our lives.

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Review last week. Did you create your list of your desires to grow in God this year?

Understand Your Soul’s Deep Desire Psalm 42:1-5
Our most basic need in life is to know God intimately and sense His presence in our lives. Whether we are willing to admit it or not, all of us need God. When we don’t feel God’s presence how do what emotions do we feel?
Memories of intimate, joyful times with God should serve to strengthen us. They can however, make us more sad when we are feeling isolated because of the longing for those joyful times. Faith that God is with us through all times, good and bad – joyful and sad, gives us the ability to praise God in any circumstances. Remember the poem “Footprints”?

Footprints in the Sand
One night I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord. Many scenes from my life flashed across the sky. In each scene I noticed footprints in the sand. Sometimes there were two sets of footprints, other times there were one set of footprints. This bothered me because I noticed that during the low periods of my life, when I was suffering from anguish, sorrow or defeat, I could see only one set of footprints. So I said to the Lord, "You promised me Lord, that if I followed you, you would walk with me always. But I have noticed that during the most trying periods of my life there have only been one set of footprints in the sand. Why, when I needed you most, you have not been there for me?" The Lord replied, "The times when you have seen only one set of footprints in the sand, is when I carried you." Mary Stevenson
What does this poem say about God with us?

Depend on God’s Faithful Love Psalm 42:6-11
Have you ever felt forgotten by God?
How did you renew your hope in Him?
How has God used your experience to help others?
Ask God to speak through you to others who may be struggling. God may want to use you to be the answer to their prayers for help and encouragement. Our job is to be available and obedient; God will take care of the rest.

Follow God’s Light and Truth Psalm 43:1-5
What advice would you give someone facing injustice or unfair treatment? What steps would you take to encourage that person to remain positive?
Everyone write responses down and keep them where you can draw on them when you need them. (Your Encouragement list)

Notice again that even though the Psalmist felt abandoned and rejected by God, he still praised God and calls out to God for help. Have you ever battled with these emotions?

Vs. 3 – Send Your light and Your truth; let them lead me…
Where do we find God’s light and truth?

Vs. 4 – Then I will come to the altar of God… The psalmist was thinking of the temple, a building where God dwelt. Where is your altar of God?

Challenge: Use your list of desires to grow in God this year. Keep your encouragement list with it. Review your list weekly and evaluate how you’ve done. Confess to God where you need help and praise God for works you see Him doing in and through you.

Sunday, January 4, 2009



I Love New Years. New years are a chance to start new, start fresh, leave the old year behind and start over with new chances and new opportunities ahead. How many of you made new years resolutions? Who wants to share theirs? How long do new years resolutions usually last? Our lesson is designed to help us Gain a fresh perspective for this New Year and shows us how we can make a fresh start that lasts.

Look at the Sky Psalm 19:1-6
In verses 1-6 David speaks of the glory of God as seen in the sky night and day. What are some examples of God’s glory you have seen in nature?
Verse 1: The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky proclaims the work of His hands. How do the things of nature glorify God?
In Genesis we see that God created the heavens and the earth and everything in it and said it was good. Then God created man and woman in His image. Because God made us in His image, nature testifies to us of His glory.

Look to the Scriptures Psalm 19:7-11
David only had the first five books of the Old Testament when he wrote of how precious the scriptures were. We have the entire bible. David compared The Word to gold and honey because they were the most precious of his time.
What are the most precious things you can think of? Compare them to The Word of God. Do they nurture you the way God’s Word does?
When David wrote his words about the scriptures they were not available to everyone, only a select few. How many of us have access to a bible today? Do we take the scriptures for granted? What can we do to appreciate God’s Word?

Look in Your Heart Psalm 19:12-14
How many of you have had an employee evaluation? What is the purpose of an evaluation? In these verses David is evaluating himself according to scripture. Based on his evaluation he realizes the need for confession. Notice he realizes that he not only has willful sin but also unintentional sin and faults that he does not recognize. He acknowledges that God can not only see his hidden faults and unintentional sins, but that God can help him be strong against them. Notice David did not assume that he could be strong against them. He acknowledged to himself and God that he needed God in him (Holy Spirit) to be strong against them and he asked God for that strength.
Vs. 14 – David confesses his desire that his words and the meditation of his heart would be acceptable to God. Why the thoughts of his heart, why not just his words?

I Love New Years. It’s a chance to start new and fresh. The best way to do that is to leave old baggage behind that is weighing us down. Confession and forgiveness rids us of the sin that keeps us from starting fresh. If you haven’t already, use the section on page 52 to list your sins, both willful and unintentional. Include attitudes toward others and accidental actions that have hurt others. Ask God’s forgiveness but don’t stop there. Ask forgiveness from those you sinned against or hurt. What happens when you ask forgiveness of those you sin against? How is God glorified through your actions?

New Years is the perfect time to commit yourself afresh to God. How will you commit yourself afresh to God this New Year?

Challenge: Create a list of your desires to grow in God. Communicate your desires with God and ask the Holy Spirit to give you the strength to honor God in your words and in the meditations of your heart.