Sunday, January 25, 2009

Receive New Life

From Searching to Sharing Acts 16:13-15
What is the most exciting thing you have done or experienced? Did you share your excitement with others?

Paul and Silas were sharing with others the most wonderful thing ever, Jesus. Following God’s plan for them they came across Lydia. Lydia worshiped God but did not have a relationship with God. What’s the difference between worshiping God and having a relationship with God? Are there Lydia’s today?

Notice the immediate response of Lydia when God opens her heart to a personal relationship with Him. She goes and tells her family and friends her exciting news. When we are available and obedient to share our exciting news about Jesus we may not always see a Lydia response in the other person, but we have been obedient to share the exciting news so that others may hear.

On a piece of paper, draw a circle and around that circle draw 5 more circles. Draw a line between the middle circle and the 5 around it. Below each outer circle write a place you come in contact with other people (work, school, sports, etc.) Write the name of one person you come in contact with at each place inside the circle. Write your name in the middle circle. How can your life influence theirs? What changes can you make to share your excitement for Jesus with them?

Are you excited about Jesus or are you worshiping God? If your excitement has changed to just being comfortable – how do you get that excitement back that makes you want to call, email, test, and tell everyone about Jesus?

From Spiritual Bondage to Spiritual Freedom Acts 16:16-18
At first glance one might wonder why the slave girl’s proclamations were aggravating Paul so much. In this setting the proclamations of the girl would quite possibly have stirred up confusion in the gentiles Paul & Silas were witnessing to. Paul’s concern for the Gentiles stirred him to action. Notice that when Paul commanded the spirit to come out of the girl in the name of Jesus, the spirit had to obey immediately. What assurance does that give us?

From Destructive Fear to Joyful Faith Acts 16:25-34
Paul & Silas were toast. Beaten, chained, imprisoned. Yet they were praying and singing hymns to God. What is your response when placed in a bad situation? Do you pray and sing hymns to God?

God creates a situation for Paul & Silas to witness to the guard. Because of the guards excitement on being saved he shares his gift with his entire household. Do we allow God to work through us to reach our family? What can you do this week to share God with your family?

Write down the blessings God has given you. Write down the miracles you have witnessed. Write down the miracles others have shared with you. When you recall these things along with the Word your focus is on God and then you can sing hymns to God in bleak times and quite possibly be a witness to someone.

Challenge: Review your circles of influence. Renew your excitement for Jesus. Be available and obedient to share Jesus with those around you. Write your joy on your heart so that in bleak times you can pray and sing.

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